More about the Wassu area: River Gambia National Park and Baboon Islands

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Gambia River
Groundnut factory
Kuntaur Rice Mill
Bamboo transport
Bamboo transport
bamboo transport
pirogue on the Gambia River
Gambia River
Gambia River
Hippopotamus amphibius
Hippopotamus amphibius
Crocodylus suchus
Crocodylus suchus
Crocodylus suchus
Hippopotamus amphibius
Hippopotamus amphibius
Pan troglodytes
Pan troglodytes
Pan troglodytes
Pan troglodytes
Pan troglodytes
Pan troglodytes
Pan troglodytes
Pan troglodytes
Pan troglodytes
Pan troglodytes

For all photos and information please click here (and open the pictures)!

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